Sunday, September 27, 2015

Digital post D

Being a college student I know how important technology can be. Technology has furthered ways to educate ourselves. An example of that is an e- book, an online book. I can personally say that e books are a great new advancement for schools. For my math class you are required to buy a program called “mymathlabs”. It is around 100 dollars yet you get all your homework, the e book, and many more learning tools. All I have to do is bring my laptop to class and open up the e book. I know some classes now have I pads, they are a great tool to use in the classroom. The learning possibilities of e books are endless. I can see the future as almost every student using e books.

I have always heard about plagiarism, through any grade. Plagiarism is when you copy someone’s work, word for word, and you do not give them any credit. When I write any paper I make sure to cite whoever and whatever I use that is not directly from me. When you write a paper no one wants to be told that it was plagiarized. According to ‘Transforming Learning with New Technologies’, a teacher named James McKenzie came up with seven ways to combat plagiarism and cheating when teaching. 1. Distinguish levels or types of research. 2. Discourage “trivial pursuits”. 3. Emphasize essential questions. 4. Require and enable students to construct answers. 5. Focus on information storage systems. 6. Stress citation ethics. 7. Assess student progress throughout the entire research process.

I want every teacher and parent to be aware that cyber bulling does exist. In my humanities class we saw the movie Cyber Bully, the movie showed what an impact cyber bullying or any bullying can have on a child’s life. When I am a teacher I will have a zero policy for bullying. I want to teach kindergarten so I know they are not fully aware of what bullying is. I want to take the time to educate them and let them know there are people they can talk to. When kids get older is when the cyber bullying begins, parents need to be aware of what is going on in their child’s virtual life.

In conclusion, e books are great to use for any learning experience. Regular books a great as well. Maybe more students will read if the book is on a tablet. Plagiarism is not something anyone should do. It can land a student an F on a paper. It is important to be aware of what you are writing if it is coming from an article or anything that someone has written. Cyber bullying is a serious event that can happen in someone’s life. I want to warn parents to be aware of cyber bullying and I want to be able to prevent bullying in any situation.


(n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
11 Facts About Cyber Bullying. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
Maloy, R. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Plagiarism: How to avoid it. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
Sasson, R. (n.d.). The Benefits and Advantages of eBooks. Retrieved September 28, 2015, from
Cyber bullying - Google Search picture. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2015, from bullying


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Digital Blog C

What I found to be interesting was the four teaching methods to actively engage students in learning, from the textbook “Transforming Learning with New Technologies”. Being engaged in how you learn is very important. That is where you will decide how you will really grasp the material. The four learning methods are: One on one tutoring, Learning groups, Inquiry learning, and Metacognitive thinking. All great methods on how to engage your students, I have some personal experience with the one on one tutoring. When I observed a kindergarten classroom the teacher put me in charge to help the students who did not understand the assignment. I worked with each student individually. Each child I helped seemed to leave my desk with confidence of what to actually do now. I will not give myself the compliment that it was because I taught them so well. Instead I think it was because it was one on one. They could not fully grasp what their teacher was saying when giving the assignment for the whole class. I know I really helped those children and when I am a teacher I know I cannot rely on someone coming in to help like I did. I will have to make time for the students who need one on one tutoring.Tutoring
 What I thought to be important was the reading on digital, media, and visual literacy . Being able to use technology in today’s world can be life changing. It is more than just being able to text someone or look up information on Google. Digital and Media literacy’s can be used for so much. You can create whatever you would like on a computer; it goes beyond paper and pencils. You can be engaged in your learning, for example what we are doing for these digital posts on blogger. We experience new sites and new ways of how to use technology. Having Visual literacy can be a skill you will use your whole life for education. Visual literacy is used through graphs, charts, and the huge one that you see every day, pictures. Teachers usually use visual aids when teaching to have the student really grasp what they are teaching. It is a great way to burn that lesson into their minds so they can think back on that picture to help them with tests.

I was surprised to read just how much we are redefining creativity with technology. I have trouble with being creative. I have my moments but I see how creative some of my friends are and I think it’s great. Believe it or not technology has helped me become more artistic. Pinterest has the ability to give me endless ideas; I can put my thoughts into my computer by typing or for some instances just by speaking. I know I am not the only one who was helped in this area from technology. Many students have the ability now to be as creative as they want to be. It also gives teachers ideas they can use for lessons in their classroom.
In conclusion, there are four teaching methods that are great to engage students in learning. I went into the most detail about the one on one tutoring. They are all great. Another favorite of mine would be learning groups. I think putting children in groups is a great way for them to interact with one another and have their different opinions. Digital, media, and visual literacy are skills that you will use as long as technology is involved. To read over ways that make you more creative with technology was a great reminder that I can be artistic and use that for my future class.


Collaborative Classroom Technology: Naturally SMART. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2015.

Crowley, B. (2014, October 24). What Digital Literacy Looks Like in a Classroom. Retrieved September 21, 2015.

Maloy, R. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Tutoring by Melbell59 - ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2015.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Digital Blog B

When I become a teacher I want the satisfaction that my students have learned new concepts and will have a hunger to continue to learn. I could not imagine putting in all of that effort to have a student drop out. In chapter 2 of “Transforming Learning with New Technologies”, says it talks about how more than two thirds of a high school said they were bored throughout the day. I was in high school a couple years ago so I can say that that was an accurate statement. The text also states that a key reason for dropouts is because classes were not interesting or engaging enough. On this  Prezi are some facts about dropouts. Technology is a way for students to be engaged with their learning.  Technology is not the only idea to have kids stay in school. Having a friendship with a teacher can be helpful, it will make that student look forward to class and if they have no one at home to support them, that teacher will. I am not saying that if a student dropped out that it would be the teachers fault, the student has a huge role in that as well. If school was something to look forward to then I know there would be less absences and better grades. A way to do all of that can be technology, role models and simply having a fun lesson in class.

            I am surprised about the lack of knowledge of some teachers when it comes to technology. There are reasons for that. Some teachers just do not have the time in their busy schedule to sit down and learn all this technology. Other reasons consist of the school not having money, also there are a lot of teachers out there who think that they have been teaching a certain way for so long that why would they need to change their ways. I can see where they are coming from if they have been effective with their students. On the other hand, students are growing up with technology and that is what they want in the classroom. They are use to it so they think that is how they learn in a more advanced way.

            The concept that I found to be important is the National Educational Technology Standards(NETS). In the text, “Transforming Learning with New Technologies”, the definition for NETS is “A broad vision of schooling that features technology supported learning environments for every student”. I was happy to read that there are people out there trying to have the educational world use technology. They want students to be directly involved in learning. I agree with that and maybe one day there will be an advanced system that will be change teaching.

            In conclusion, School is very important, and hopefully one day there will be no dropouts. Technology can do so much for students and teachers. For teachers to use technology though they need to be trained, that is up to the school. There are some teachers still using their own way and I do not want to put them down. Statistics just show better results when it comes to engaging students with technology.
11 Facts About High School Dropout Rates. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015.
Maloy, R. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon
Technology in Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015
The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) - What We Should Know and Be Able To Do With Technology: Article 5 of 8 in Series. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

Digital Blog Post #A - Chapter 1

    Coming into teaching I knew that technology was going to be a huge factor. Any 21st century teacher would say that. I am not as 
caught up in technology as all of my friends are. I should be, considering I was just shy a year from being born in the IGeneration time. 
The way technology was advancing so quickly it felt that I was growing with the technology. When I was young, a game console
would  come out every year it seemed. There was always something more advanced that people would buy, they were curious and it
was the  latest trend. Being born in this time I was hoping I would be more tech savvy. Technology has some downfalls yet it has many
benefits. A lot of those benefits can be used in a classroom. When I am a teacher I plan on using to what is at my disposal.

   As I was reading the text something caught my eye because I never heard this term before, digital identity. I find it interesting that no 

matter where a teacher goes they are going to be expected to be a 21st century teacher. I know there are amazing teachers out there that 

are having trouble with the technology, which is sad because it will be harder to get hired. Not only does a teacher’s digital identity fall 

under resumes, it also ties into social media. Social media can be very dangerous for a teacher. It is important to watch what is being 

posted. In the text book, "Transferring Learning with New Technologies" says how social media can be used in a positive way. Such

as, sharing what lessons were taught to the class on social media and parents will have a better idea of who you are as a teacher. Social 

media then will help build teachers digital identity.

    It is important to have the skills of a 21st century teacher, yet it is not all about knowing how to use the technology in the classroom. 

As a teacher I will have to know how to apply the technology to efficient learning. I do not want to forget that every student learns 

differently. In my classroom I will address all learning styles and incorporate them into my lessons. From the text, "Transforming 

Learning with New Technologies", they talk about highly interactive and inquiry based learning environments. Highly interactive is 

when you are using the technology offered to you while being interactive with the students and having them still create, process, and 

evaluate information. Inquiry based means, as a teacher you are still preparing and delivering the lessons in ways the students will 

understand. The students are required to think critically over the lesson. 

    In conclusion, I am glad to be taking a class that will be teaching me technology. It is important to use what is up to date as a teacher 

when it comes to technology. There are so many possibilities for what technology can do in the classroom. When I become a teacher I 

will work on my digital identity, by doing so can lead to more positive outcomes. While having all this technology is amazing as a 

teacher I still need to know how to have my students think outside the box and to not completely rely on technology.


IPads in the Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2015.
Maloy, R. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Membership. (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2015.
Social Networking Nightmares. (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2015.